KC Rules & Regulations
It is a condition of Registration by the Kennel Club of The Devon & Cornwall Cocker Spaniel Club as a breed society that it must :
- adopt the Kennel Club Code of Ethics in addition to the Rules set out in Section C of the KC Year Book (as amended from time to time)
- actively support the education and training of judges in accordance with the Kennel Club's Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) (JEP) (as amended from time to time)
- the Club (including its Officers and Committee Members) expressly agree to submit and be bound by the Kennel Club Rules and Regulations and Codes of Best Practice (as amended from time to time) in relation to all canine matters with which the Kennel Club is concerned
The Kennel Club Code is addressed to all members, committee members and all volunteers acting on behalf of The Kennel Club.
It is recognised that there is a Code of Ethics for breeders who register litters, Code of Best Practice for Kennel Club judges and a Code of Conduct for participants at events licensed by The Kennel Club. There are also codes in respect of the welfare and safety of dogs.
All participants in Kennel Club activities, at whatever level, are subject to the general principles set out in The Kennel Club Codes and always ultimately with a commitment and focus in the service of, towards and in the best interest of the dog.
Kennel Club Volunteer Requirements
The Kennel Club recognises the importance of volunteers and makes every effort to ensure that they are supported and are valued for their contribution.
A volunteer is a person taking part in a Kennel Club event who has or has offered to take on tasks or responsibilities at that event and where the organisers have accepted this offer. A volunteer may be a committee member, steward, helper or ambassador who is not in receipt of payment in return for the assistance being provided. Inherent in being a Kennel Club volunteer is an expectation of a certain standard of conduct and propriety. These responsibilities are not prescriptive but ought to be obvious within a bandwidth of reasonable expectation. They include extending respect towards everyone in the canine world – both at home and to those overseas. In particular, a volunteer is expected:
• To demonstrate commitment and to make every effort to attend events/meetings as may be required
• To recognise that they are representing the best interests of The Kennel Club whilst they are volunteering
• To do so because they are volunteering their skills for the benefit of The Kennel Club, its competitions and events
• Not to seek financial recompense over and above reasonable expenses agreed with The Kennel Club or organiser(s) in advance
• Not to do anything to bring The Kennel Club or its members or participants into disrepute while volunteering and not to undermine confidence in The Kennel Club or its officers, or members, or members of staff
• To treat members of staff, competitors and other participants with respect, recognising they have rights and obligations and contractual responsibilities particularly whilst volunteering and commenting on licensed competitions and events
• To apply sound judgement when using social media, respecting the opinions of others and not to engage in threatening, abusive or offensive activity towards others
• Not to publicly criticise nor do anything to damage the interests of or undermine confidence in The Kennel Club and its members including social media activity
• To be aware of and adhere to The Kennel Club's Child Protection Policy and agree to DBS verification checks as appropriate
The Kennel Club's volunteers will understand that if they do not follow these principles and fall short of the expectations and responsibilities in being a Kennel Club volunteer that we may be obliged to implement and enforce the code including the possibility of terminating the volunteer arrangement.