Looking For A Cocker Spaniel
photo © Tracy Morgan Animal Photography
Advice on finding and owning a Cocker Spaniel
The Cocker Spaniel is a very popular breed, his temperament, size and adaptability making him an ideal family pet. In choosing your Cocker there are decisions to be made, not only whether a dog or bitch would suit, but you may have a preference for colour.
Whether you chose a Solid or Particolour there is a diversity of colour within those definitions; from the black, golden, liver, black and tan in Solids to blue roan, orange roan, liver roan, black and white, orange and white in Particolours; not to mention the combination of Particolours with "ticking" or tan markings. A word of warning though, if you set your heart on a more unusual colour then you may have a long wait and must be prepared to travel some distance to find the pup of your dreams. The more readily available in Solids are the black and golden and in Particolours the blue roan. If you are interested in a "rare" or unusual colour, please read this leaflet from the Kennel Club first: Unusual Colours
Cockers should always be of sound temperament whatever colour, although breeders who specialise will agree that the Solids and Particolours quite definitely vary in character.
There is a considerable amount of information available from various sources about the Breed; for more advice on health care and training, on line you can access the Breed Club sites eg The Cocker Spaniel Club; The Cocker Spaniel Breed Council, West of England Cocker Spaniel Club; The Solid Colours Cocker Spaniel Association and London Cocker Spaniel Society.
When you have done your research and established that your family and work commitments make it sensible for you to keep a dog and that a Cocker is for you, the Club Secretary may be able to recommend a breeder in the area. The Kennel Club publishes an online Puppy Sales List and the other Breed Clubs may also be able to assist.
Some pointers:
- When you contact a breeder, it is a good idea to have compiled a list of questions so you can “tick all your boxes”. The answers will help you decide whether this is a breeder from whom you would like to buy a puppy.
- A reputable breeder will be only too pleased to let you see the puppies with their mother, and possibly other relatives, and help you chose the puppy that will fit into your family.
- There are certain inherited conditions in Cockers for which testing is carried out on breeding stock. It is usual for a breeder to maintain an ongoing programme of testing for Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) and Glaucoma; more recently DNA testing has become available for the condition of PRA and the kidney disease in young cockers, Familial Nephropathy. For more information, see www.thecockerspanielclub.co.uk/health.htm
- When you collect your puppy, the breeder should provide you with a Puppy Pack which should include the Kennel Club Registration Certificate, Pedigree, Feed Chart, information on Caring for your New Puppy, Vaccination Certificates (if appropriate) and food sample; you may be asked to enter into a formal Agreement (Contract) for the sale/purchase.
- Grooming - show-type Cocker Spaniels require regular grooming, having a considerable amount of coat. You should get your puppy used to grooming from an early age; as he grows, the coat will require trimming and a this should be done by a professional groomer every 2 to 3 months.
Don't be hasty in buying your puppy - if you have to wait, it will be worth it!
Rescue Cockers
NB: If you are interested in offering a home to a rescue Cocker Spaniel, you will find information about the Cocker Rescue Scheme at http://www.thecockerspanielclub.co.uk/rescue.htm. The regional Representatives for Cocker Rescue in the Devon area are Kimberley Wannell (Tel: 07952 643425 ) and Frances Bard (Tel: 07980 893925)